Spiningai Favorite X1.1 2024 Edition

GENERAL LIGHT (762ML, 762M, 832ML, 832M, 902M) – modelsprimarily designed for fishing with soft lures on jig head. Shorter rods aresuitable for fishing on small rivers with moderate current and lakes, both fromthe shore and from a boat. Long rods are suitable for shore fishing on largelakes and water reservoirs, for catching asp on spoons and metal jigs.
GENERAL HEAVY (772MH, 772H, 772ExH, 852MH, 852H, 852ExH,902MH, 902H, 902ExH) – models for fishing with soft lures on heavy jig head onlarge rivers with strong current or for catching big fish on big lures indifficult conditions. Shorter models (772) are mainly designed for fishing froma boat, 852 – versatile shore/boat version, 902 – shore models. H and ExH classmodels are also suitable for fishing with small swimbait and have additionalmarkings with the sizes of recommended swimbait.
TWITCH (602H, 702M, 702MH, 702H, 702ExH) – rods for piketwitching using minnow wobblers. For convenience, they have additional markingswith the recommended sizes of hard lures.
PIKE (802, up to 100g) – special rods for pike fishing onswimbaits. For convenience, they have additional markings with the recommendedsizes of lures.